Minggu, 15 Januari 2017

.. to become better.. 01

Image result for beautiful rainbow in the road

Sebenarnya sudah sekitar 7-8 tahun yang lalu berkenalan dengan ho'oponopono.
Apa namanya?? Oh yeah, pokoknya seperti itulah.
Baca saja sendiri sekali lagi.
Buku sangat tebal, waktu itu cetakan covernya berwarna kuning.
Aku sangat ingat, belinya di PIM :D

Buku to letting go yang rumit dengan konsep aneh yang baru pertama kali aku dengar darimana pun juga.
Sangat jauh dari konsep the secret rhonda, dan lumayan aneh juga karena buku itu ditulis oleh joe vitale, yang juga sama2 penulis the secret.

Sebelum lanjut, let me show you what Joe Vitale said di awal buku Zero Limit itu (hal yang paling menarik buat aku):

Toward the end of 2006
I taught a seminar called Beyond Manifestation, which is heavily influenced by what I learned after I discovered the mysterious Hawaiian therapist and his method.
In that event I asked everyone to list all the ways they knew to manifest or attract something in their life. They said things like affirmations,  visualizations, intentions, body awareness methods, feeling the
end result, scripting, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or tapping, and many, many more. 

Once the group inventoried every single way they could come up with to create their own reality, I asked them if those ways worked all the time, without exception.

Everyone agreed they did not always work.
“Well, why not?” I asked them.
No one could say for sure.
I then hit the group with my observation:
“All of those ways have limitations,” I declared. “They are toys your mind plays with to keep you thinking you’re in charge. The truth is, you are not in charge, and the real miracles come when you
let go of the toys and trust in a place inside yourself where there are zero limits.”

I then told them that where you want to be in life is behind all of those toys, which is behind the chatter of the mind and right there with what we call the Divine. 
I went on to explain that there are at least three stages to life, beginning with you as victim, then moving on to you as creator of your life, and ending—if you’re lucky—with you becoming servant to the Divine. 
In that last stage, which I’ll discuss later in this book, astonishing miracles happen—almost without you trying.

Earlier today I interviewed a goals expert for my Hypnotic Gold membership program. He has written
a dozen books and sold millions of copies of them. He knows how to teach people how to set goals. Most of his philosophy revolves around having a burning desire to accomplish something. 

But that’s an incomplete strategy. 

I asked him what he suggested when someone can’t find the motivation to set a goal, let alone complete it.
“If I knew that,” he began,“I’d be able to solve most of the problems in the world.”

He went on to say that you have to be hungry to achieve a goal.
If you aren’t, you won’t keep up the discipline needed to focus on it and work toward it.

“But what if you’re not hungry enough?” I asked.
“Then you won’t reach your goal.”
“How do you make yourself hungry or motivated?”
He couldn’t answer.

And that’s the rub. 

At a certain point all the self-help and goal setting programs fail.
They come up against the troubling fact that if someone isn’t ready to achieve something, they won’t maintain the energy needed to manifest it. 
They’ll quit. Everyone knows this experience from setting resolutions on January 1st and forgetting them by January 2nd. 
The good intentions were there. 
But something deeper wasn’t in alignment with the conscious desires.
So how do you take care of that deeper state that isn’t “hungry”?

Aduh, kepanjangan.
Bikin bersambung saja yah, part 2.

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